Blade of the rising sun
Blade of the rising sun

In lieu of Melisandre’s ‘shadow’ assassin, what then gave Stannis this seemingly unwarranted confidence in the face of such overwhelming odds?

  • This suggests that Stannis’s confidence regarding the coming battle was likely derived from some other source.
  • Thus by all appearances, Stannis did not intend to use such sorcery.
  • Yet Stannis appears to have had no prior knowledge of Renly’s coming assassination.
  • Stannis displayed tremendous confidence when he leveled his ultimatum at Renly, despite the fact that he clearly had a numerically inferior army.
  • Thus we arrive at the central conundrum which has cultivated so much discussion since A Clash of Kings was first published: However, we see that Stannis laments his brother’s death and is bewildered as to his involvement in what actually transpired the night Renly died. Stannis must have known that Melisandre would use some sort of sorcery to “destroy” Renly and his army. I think most readers ruminate on these observations and come to what seems to be the logical conclusion: How else did Stannis have the confidence to boast that he would “destroy” his brother in combat?
  • This of course suggests that Stannis is A) belligerent and irrational, or that B) Stannis had planned to use some sort of trickery to secure his victory.
  • As Renly made clear at his parley with Stannis, Stannis had no chance to win against his younger brother in a conventional battle.
  • Ever since I first read A Clash of Kings, there has always been an enduring mystery surrounding Renly’s death:

    Blade of the rising sun